NOVEMBER 2020 - Halkin Investments Holdings Limited
Over these unusual and difficult times, Halkin has grown stronger as an organisation. We adopted technological solutions that have allowed us to carry out business whilst working from home, helping to keep ourselves and our families, our clients and our stakeholders safe.
We continue to meet our clients virtually, where face to face is not possible, to maintain our service levels. With management tools like MS Teams we have been able to increase communication amongst the team and our management systems are as robust as ever.
As an agile organisation we're constantly rethinking and reinventing ourselves through new technology to embolden our mission, and we will continue to do so regardless of the challenges that will undoubtedly be put before us in the future.
We are all working hand in hand to take Halkin to the next level.
Syed Bashir Ahmad - Chief Executive Officer

OCTOBER 2020 - Change of Legal Status
Halkin Investments Holdings Limited was incorporated in April 2019 and as of the 6th October 2020 Halkin Investments Holdings Limited has assumed the regulatory permissions of Halkin Investments LLP following the conclusion of a Change of Legal Status application which was approved by the Financial Conduct Authority.
The Firm Reference Number for Halkin Investments Holdings Limited is 922091, more details can be found on the Financial Services Register.
As ever, our priority is to ensure that our clients continue to receive a first-class service. Our ethos has not changed and our firm’s management and staff have remained the same, so this is a seamless process.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

JULY 2020 - H1 2020 Advisory Counsel Meeting
The Advisory Counsel and the firm's Executive Committee met at the beginning of July. In light of the COVID-19 Pandemic we embraced technological advances and the meeting was held over Zoom.
The Advisory Counsel members offered wise counsel on the firm's Financial Prudence, Investment policy, Operational infrastructure and Compliance regime of the firm.
The Executive Committee and the CEO thanked the members of Advisory Counsel for their time and advise.
We look forward to welcoming our Advisory Counsel for our H2 2020 meeting in due course.

JULY 2020
Halkin has participated in the fundraising initiatives which have reached in excess of £5k for Masroor Eye hospital in Burkina Faso.
The hospital will focus on neglected tropical diseases such as trachoma and river blindness. These represent major eye related health problems in Burkina Faso.
This is a charitable project that provides free treatment for those patients who may not have the ability to fund their required eye operation to prevent blindness.
The above reinforces Halkin’s continued commitment to Global Sustainability Goals where Healthcare is a main area

APRIL 2020 - Milestone
Tuesday 7th April 2020 marks a milestone. Phase one where 285 families in remote parts of Pakistan received a non-perishable food package which should sustain a family for up to 8 weeks. Phase two will be ready shortly and we hope this effort will reach out to over 500 families.

MARCH 2020 - Food packages in the time of need
The firm is very conscious of the impact that COVID-19 will have on those in remote and less developed parts of the world.
We have previously supported a charity which is focusing on Education and Sustainability for the underprivileged people in Pakistan and in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been working with them on initiatives where we can support and have an impact at a human level to aid in hard times.
We have devised a plan together to prepare and distribute non perishable food packages to a minimum of 500 deserving families in Pakistan - based upon an average of 5 members per family. These food packages will include items which should sustain a family for 6-8 weeks and will help tackle hunger and hardship in light of the Coronavirus as local government restrictions are hampering people to provide for their families.
As a firm, we give a heart felt thanks to all those on the front line tackling the virus across the globe.

MARCH 2020 - A Word from our CEO
At Halkin, our clients are like extended family and we care deeply about their safety and well-being. We hope and pray that our clients and their loved ones remain safe and that these difficult times will soon end!
As a firm, we continue to do what is humanly possible to safeguard the interests of our clients in these unprecedented times.
Our thoughts are with all those affected by the coronavirus outbreak and heartfelt thanks to the nurses, doctors and scientists working across the globe to keep us all healthy and tackle this pandemic.
United we will make it and this will pass too!

MARCH 2020 - COVID-19 Firm Update
Here at Halkin Investments, we recognise the increased uncertainty that the Coronavirus – COVID-19 may be causing and as a firm, we want to provide the comfort that we are committed to ensuring business continuity to clients. A main concern of ours is the safety and well-being of our clients and staff and we have been taking precautions to keep all safe during this unprecedented time.
On a daily basis, the firm’s management have been following the guidance from the Government, assessing the scenarios and planning for a range of outcomes and keeping the business prepared to deal with different scenarios
As the situation is ever evolving in relation to Coronavirus, Halkin continues to be proactive in ensuring we are aligning our business operationally to meet the requirements that we face as a firm.
Like many other firms, we have taken on board the guidance the Financial Conduct Authority has posted on their website and continue to take reasonable steps to ensure we are prepared to meet the challenges that the Coronavirus could pose to our clients and staff. Moreover, we are adhering to the requests from the Government for people to work from home and our staff are now doing so, in order to keep them and their respective families safe. The firm has taken steps to ensure our staff have access to resources in order to carry out their role effectively.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the your Relationship Manager or firm in the normal way.

FEBRUARY 2020 - H2 2019 Advisory Counsel meeting
The Advisory Board and the firm's Executive Committee met at the beginning of February.
In the meeting multiple key aspects of the business, i.e Financial, Operational, Compliance and the firm’s Investment approach was discussed in length. The Advisory Board members offered wise counsel on the firm's operational infrastructure, compliance regime and the investment policy of the firm.
The Executive Committee and the CEO thanked the members of Advisory Board for their time and advise. The meeting concluded with the dinner hosted by Halkin at Jean-Georges, Connaught Hotel.
We look forward to welcoming our Advisory Board for our H1 2020 meeting in July.

FEBRUARY 2020 - Art auction for Graham Layton Trust, Dubai
Our CEO, Mr. Bashir Ahmad, attended an event in Dubai hosted by the Graham Layton Trust. The event raised a considerable amount where Mr Ahmad, on behalf of the firm, participated in the charitable auction, to which he purchased two paintings from local contemporary artists. The proceeds of the purchase will go towards carrying out eye operations for the poor and needy in Pakistan.
On this occasion, Mr. Ahmad reiterated his and Halkin’s commitment to support charitable activities in areas of Healthcare and Education. He commented “We are a responsible company and paying back to society is ingrained in our Corporate Culture and Values”
Graham Layton Trust (GLT) was founded in the same year (1984) as the Layton Rahmatulla Benevolent Trust (LRBT) itself, in order to provide crucial financial support from the outset. While our partner LRBT manages the operational process, GLT focuses on raising awareness, building the campaign and growing financial support for LRBT.
GLT and LRBT work closely together to ensure fundraising efforts are linked to the needs of the hospitals and patients in Pakistan.

DECEMBER 2019 - Senior Management and Certification Regime – SM&CR
The Senior Managers and Certification Regime (SM&CR) came into force on 9th December 2019 for firms such as ours who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority which has replaced the Approved Persons Regime. From this date, as an example, individuals who previously held a CF30 are now known as Certified Persons (if appropriate). These individuals will no longer be listed on the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) Register. They will instead be listed in the new FCA directory which will go live towards the end of this year.
For more information please visit our page on SM&CR.

OCTOBER 2019 - Humanity First Ivory Coast Hospital Project
Halkin Investments was a core sponsor of the event held at KPMG club in Mayfair, to support fund raising and create awareness for a charity hospital project in Ivory Coast. The theme of event was Africa “the partnership of the future”.
The event included Doctors, Senior Consultants and Specialists from hospitals across London who gave their account on the previous projects carried out by Humanity First (a UK registered charity), notably the Nasir Hospital in Guatemala and their continued support for the upcoming hospital in Yopougon, Ivory Coast.
Halkin's Chief Executive Officer Mr. Bashir Ahmad supports the charity as the Chairman of the event committee and invited many distinguishing guests including dignitaries and business leaders.
Mr. Ahmad thanked KPMG and Credit Suisse as sponsors and all the volunteers involved for their support and role in making the event a success.

OCTOBER 2019 - Investment Committee Meeting
We expect low growth to continue but mainly supported by Central Banks. This should also act to moderate volatility and keep inflation low and avoid a recession as the low volatility scenario is a direct result of Central Banks acting as a “volatility put”. Nevertheless, geopolitics are diverse and about known factors, creating noise but without consequences. Central Bank policies are an influential factor to the economy, new technologies are a major influence in productivity factors, but this change is only measured after it takes effect, and not throughout the change itself. Halkin Investments has been constructively bullish all year and we maintain that approach, with the caveat that we continue to protect the portfolios against the volatility as we cannot predict the extent of the market pullbacks. We are, therefore, relatively comfortable with this bullish positioning, considering that both the firm and the market considers we’re not in a recessionary environment and the economic figures out of the US belies a recession regardless of the current yield curve inflection. We continue to deploy risk in markets and sectors where we see a mismatch between the reality and the valuation of those assets. An example has been our recent deployment on behalf of our suitable clients into the Managed Healthcare sector in the United States, where the valuations were reflecting that Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders were already in the White House.
Please note: The above is not intended to be Investment Advice and should
not be understood as such. All investments carry risk and you may get back
less than you originally invested.

OCTOBER 2019 - Family Office Investor Magazine, Issue 9
Bashir Ahmad, the CEO and founder of Halkin Investments LLP has featured in the Family Office Investor, which is a magazine dedicated to the Wealth and Luxury Asset Management sectors. The article gives a high-level overview on the firm and its embedded ethos.

AUGUST 2019 - Ethnicity Awards Top 10 Inspirational Leader
The CEO and founder of Halkin Investments LLP has been nominated an #EthnicityAwards Top 10 Inspirational Leader!
Bashir is a well-regarded veteran in Financial Services who has founded Halkin Investments LLP in 2010, with the view to create a truly bespoke and holistic Investment Management service to professional UHNW clients.
Bashir has always promoted #equalopportunity and fair representation of minorities in senior positions - specifically #BAME individuals - by promoting initiatives and policies intended to create a more open and #inclusive workplace.

JULY 2019 - H1 2019 Advisory Counsel Meeting
Halkin Investments hosted its H1 2019 Advisory Counsel meeting on the Isle of Man on the 12th July 2019.

The Advisory Counsel had the opportunity to go through the business year to date and our growth initiatives. The Advisory Counsel members in attendance were able to offer wise counsel and guidance on our initiatives based on Vision 2020 and the implementation our Holding Client Money permissions, where we see their expertise being very valuable in providing us overall advice and guidance.
In the evening, Lieutenant Governor of the Isle of Man Sir Richard Gozney and Lady Gozney hosted a dinner sponsored by Halkin Investments at Government House, which was exquisite and to give special thanks to their staff who were very attentive. Sir Richard Gozney had taken the welcomed initiative to invite the Chief Minister, Treasury Minister and multiple successful business owner’s native to the Isle of Man, with whom Halkin had synergy with, it was a real pleasure to meet them all. CEO of Halkin Investments Mr. Bashir Ahmad spoke on the occasion and briefly explained to the guests about Halkin’s business model and how it is relevant to the changing landscape in the financial market place. He also complemented the Government of the Isle of Man on creating an enabling environment for the financial industry to flourish and prosper on the Island.
Our objective has always been and will continue to be in a position to offer our clients a first class experience and with our Executive Committee and Advisory Counsel guiding this ethos, we expect to be able to continue to do this in a compliant and suitable manner for years to come.

Vision 2020, as approved by Halkin's Executive Committee
1st July, 2019
Halkin Investments LLP (“Halkin”) endeavour to remain a forward thinking boutique firm, to ensure our clients always get a first class and up to date service in a fair, transparent and cost effective manner and continue to do so as the world of Financial Services evolves. With this in mind, we are looking to proactively align ourselves with the evolution of Financial Services and digitalise our offering to our clients. We acknowledge that this would complement our current offering to our clients. Notably with regards to client money accounts, execution, readily available client reporting and active risk management in a digital way.

Halkin will conduct rigorous market research and will seek to work with the most appropriate best of breed Digital platform, in order to create a bespoke system for our clients. Halkin would like to apply Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) in Investment Management and Risk Management to create a level of predictability for the Investor.
Mr. Bashir Ahmad, CEO of Halkin Investments LLP, initiated the project by the name of Project MERLIN with careful delegation internally in order for Halkin to prepare the firm for this journey to digitalising the platform and offering for our clients. Whilst commenting on the vision, Mr Ahmad said that traditional private banks and custodians have lost their competitive advantage based on the inefficiencies in the system and a reactive approach as opposed to a proactive approach, which is very much the ethos here at Halkin.
Harmoniously bringing together the needs of a Professional Client and applying the advanced technological solutions available where an appropriate suite of services will be available.
Our mission is to align ourselves with the fundamentals of the banking ecosystem.

FEBRUARY 2019 - H2 2018 Advisory Counsel Meeting
We covered all facets of the business, with a key focus on investment policy, operational infrastructure and compliance. We greatly value the input of our Senior Advisory Counsel members in providing guidance and advice on the business and the initiatives we are undertaking to complement and enhance the services we provide to our clients.

FEBRUARY 2019 - H2 2018 Investment Committee Meeting
We feel our approach to find the best solutions for our clients while operating on both sides of the balance sheet (assets and liabilities) was vindicated. We continue to be positive on risk assets maintaining diversification across asset classes, sectors and geographies. Our focus remains on suitable idiosyncratic opportunities with low correlation to traditional asset classes, while remaining vigilant on liquidity which can be as important as market direction. As we look at our portfolios, we feel quite confident of our dynamic positioning which can be quickly adapted to changing market conditions.
The above is not intended to be Investment Advice and should not be understood as such. All investments carry risk and you may get back less than you originally invested.

JANUARY 2019 - Halkin Investments Middle East
Halkin Investments LLP are pleased to announce that Halkin Investments Middle East has received their regulatory licence under the Dubai Financial Services Authority (“DFSA”) where the firm will predominately focus on Investment Management in an Advisory capacity. Furthermore, they will also advise on Credit Facilities for Ultra High Net Worth Individuals and Corporate entities.
Halkin Investments Middle East’s office is situated within the Dubai International Financial Centre (“DIFC”), where they have engaged a Compliance Officer and Money Laundering Reporting Officer to manage their regulatory obligations. Senior Executive Officer Mr. Jomy Alexander will head up the organisation with Mr Syed Bashir Ahmad as the Chairman of the Board.

DECEMBER 2018 - New member to our Investment Committe
We are pleased to announce and welcome a new member to our Firm’s Investment Committee, Mr Didier Duret, who has 30 years’ experience in investments, predominately for ABN Amro, UBS and Paribas Asset Management.
Didier - CIO of ABN Amro Private Banking has run the Global Investment Committee since inception in 2003.
His area of expertise is in Investment Policy formulation and governance for asset management and asset ownership. Didier is regular speaker at CNBC, Bloomberg TV and other major channels.

NOVEMBER 2018 - Appointment - Senior Relationship Manager
We are pleased to announce that Imran Raees Rana has joined Halkin Investments as a Senior Relationship Manager, focusing on Middle East and the Subcontinent.
Imran has an extensive experience of 18+ years in Private Banking with major banks in Middle East and Pakistan. Prior to joining Halkin, Imran was associated with SAMBA, formally known as Saudi American Bank in Dubai for 7 years, where he was a founding member of the Private Wealth Management Business for the bank in the Middle East. He was instrumental in strengthening the bank’s position in the industry and in the geographical region the bank was focusing on.
He has also worked for Citibank and ABN AMRO bank in Dubai where he was awarded the best performing Relationship Manager. His initiatives in fostering client’s relationship resulting in enhanced revenue generation were continuously acknowledged by the senior management of the bank.
He holds a Master of Business Administration in Finance from the University of Central Nicaragua.

JULY 2018 - Corporate and Social Responsibility (CRS) Webpage
Halkin has always conducted its business in alignment with the principles of CRS.
We have added a new page to our Website to share our most recent actions with our clients and Stakeholders, in the hope that this will help encourage other firms like Halkin Investments to continuously incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into their day-to-day decision making.
Click here to see our new webpage.

JUNE 2018 - Advisory Counsel Meeting
Halkin had our half yearly Advisory Counsel meeting. Various initiatives on future business growth were discussed at length.

JUNE 2018 - Investment Committee Meeting
Halkin’s Investment Committee convened at the end of June, a time when the new US motivated trade ‘war’ was picking up momentum, Brexit negotiations were speedily going nowhere, the ECB were perplexed as they gazed into the mirror of EU macro data that conflicted with their desire to raise rates, Oil was rising, inflation only limped, Emerging Markets were feeling the pain of China’s perceived slowdown and Trump’s sabre rattling.
All of the above provided ample scope to go through our investment strategies with thorough investigation. Some of the conclusions underpinned our thinking. Chief amongst which was our preference for high liquidity, and reducing our top heavy exposure to Fixed Income debt, but not at the expense of income.
The above is not intended to be Investment advice and should be understood as such. All investments carry risk and you may get back less than you originally invested.

JUNE 2018 - Summer Internship Program
Our Summer Internship Program has now started. Its purpose is to give our internees a hands-on experience on Halkin's Investment Management business and help prepare them for the next stage of their professional life.